Sunday, November 18, 2012

Spurgeon, Impressions, and Prophecy

Over at the the Cripplegate blog contributor Nathan Busenitz recently wrote a post addressing Charles Spurgeon and whether or not he was an advocate of cessationism.

The article starts out:

"I recently received an email asking a question that I have been asked from time to time. It pertains to the topic of spiritual gifts and cessationism. In today’s article, I’ve summarized the question and provided my response.

Question: You mention Charles Spurgeon as an advocate of cessationism. But Spurgeon confessed that on several occasions, while he was preaching, he received impressions from the Holy Spirit that gave him extraordinary insights to expose specific sins in people’s lives with incredible accuracy. From my perspective, those impressions seem to align with the gift of prophecy. How do you reconcile Spurgeon’s impressions with your claim that he was a cessationist?"

Read the rest of Nathan's article here:

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